/usr/bin/python /opt/pycharm-2.6.3/helpers/pydev/pydevd.py --multiproc --client --port 37641 --file /data/processTest/processTest.py received >>99 -1 35928 Started in multiproc mode << ('Connecting to ', '', ':', '37641') command >>99 -1 35928<< ('Connected.',) ('received command ', '99\t-1\t35928') received >>501 1 0.1 UNIX Received port 35928 << pydev debugger: process 8645 is connecting command >>501 1 0.1 UNIX<< ('Connecting to ', '', ':', '35928') ('Connected.',) ('received command ', '501\t1\t0.1\tUNIX') Connected to pydev debugger (build 121.378) sending cmd: CMD_VERSION 501 1 %40%40BUILD_NUMBER%40%40 ('received command ', '111\t3\tpython-line\t/data/processTest/externalPythonFile.py\t9\tNone\tNone') Added breakpoint:/data/processTest/externalPythonFile.py - line:9 - func_name:None received >>111 3 python-line /data/processTest/externalPythonFile.py 9 None None << command >>111 3 python-line /data/processTest/externalPythonFile.py 9 None None<< received >>111 5 python-line /data/processTest/processTest.py 13 None None 122 7 BaseException 0 1 101 9 << command >>111 5 python-line /data/processTest/processTest.py 13 None None<< command >>122 7 BaseException 0 1<< command >>101 9 << ('received command ', '111\t5\tpython-line\t/data/processTest/processTest.py\t13\tNone\tNone') Added breakpoint:/data/processTest/processTest.py - line:13 - func_name:None ('received command ', '122\t7\tBaseException\t0\t1') Exceptions to hook on terminate: {'BaseException': } ('received command ', '101\t9\t') Hello Local World sending cmd: CMD_THREAD_CREATE 103 2 sending cmd: CMD_THREAD_CREATE 103 4 sending cmd: CMD_THREAD_CREATE 103 6 sending cmd: CMD_THREAD_SUSPEND 105 8 """ ('received command ', '114\t11\tpid8645_seq1\t15620928\tFRAME') received >>114 11 pid8645_seq1 15620928 FRAME << command >>114 11 pid8645_seq1 15620928 FRAME<< ('processing internal command ', '') sending cmd: CMD_GET_FRAME 114 11 %0A%0A%0A%0A%0A%0A%0A%0A%0A received >>107 13 pid8645_seq1 << command >>107 13 pid8645_seq1<< ('received command ', '107\t13\tpid8645_seq1') ('processing internal command ', '') sending cmd: CMD_THREAD_RUN 106 10 pid8645_seq1 107 sending cmd: CMD_THREAD_SUSPEND 105 12 """ received >>114 15 pid8645_seq1 15620928 FRAME << command >>114 15 pid8645_seq1 15620928 FRAME<< ('received command ', '114\t15\tpid8645_seq1\t15620928\tFRAME') ('processing internal command ', '') sending cmd: CMD_GET_FRAME 114 15 %0A%0A%0A%0A%0A%0A%0A%0A%0A%0A received >>108 17 pid8645_seq1 << command >>108 17 pid8645_seq1<< ('received command ', '108\t17\tpid8645_seq1') ('processing internal command ', '') sending cmd: CMD_THREAD_RUN 106 14 pid8645_seq1 108 ('Connecting to ', '', ':', '37641') ('Connected.',) ('received command ', '99\t-1\t55245') ('Connecting to ', '', ':', '55245') ('Connected.',) ('received command ', '501\t1\t0.1\tUNIX') sending cmd: CMD_VERSION 501 1 %40%40BUILD_NUMBER%40%40 ('received command ', '111\t3\tpython-line\t/data/processTest/externalPythonFile.py\t9\tNone\tNone') ('received command ', '111\t19\tpython-line\t/data/processTest/externalPythonFile.py\t9\tNone\tNone') Added breakpoint:/data/processTest/externalPythonFile.py - line:9 - func_name:None Added breakpoint:/data/processTest/externalPythonFile.py - line:9 - func_name:None received >>99 -1 55245 << command >>99 -1 55245<< received >>501 1 0.1 UNIX << command >>501 1 0.1 UNIX<< received >>111 19 python-line /data/processTest/externalPythonFile.py 9 None None << received >>111 3 python-line /data/processTest/externalPythonFile.py 9 None None << command >>111 3 python-line /data/processTest/externalPythonFile.py 9 None None<< command >>111 19 python-line /data/processTest/externalPythonFile.py 9 None None<< ('received command ', '111\t5\tpython-line\t/data/processTest/processTest.py\t13\tNone\tNone') ('received command ', '111\t21\tpython-line\t/data/processTest/processTest.py\t13\tNone\tNone') Added breakpoint:/data/processTest/processTest.py - line:13 - func_name:None Added breakpoint:/data/processTest/processTest.py - line:13 - func_name:None ('received command ', '122\t7\tBaseException\t0\t1') ('received command ', '122\t23\tBaseException\t0\t1') Exceptions to hook on terminate: {'BaseException': } Exceptions to hook on terminate: {'BaseException': } ('received command ', '101\t9\t') received >>111 5 python-line /data/processTest/processTest.py 13 None None 122 7 BaseException 0 1 101 9 << command >>111 5 python-line /data/processTest/processTest.py 13 None None<< received >>111 21 python-line /data/processTest/processTest.py 13 None None 122 23 BaseException 0 1 << command >>111 21 python-line /data/processTest/processTest.py 13 None None<< command >>122 7 BaseException 0 1<< command >>122 23 BaseException 0 1<< command >>101 9 << Process finished with exit code 0